Palm Sunday ... Plan Sunday

God bless you, guide you, and protect you this most Holy Week.

Families are enjoying mass online from our own church!  Thank you, Father Benny!  Links to archived masses are on our website.  Click to watch  Mass with Father Benny on Palm Sunday

What are your plans for Holy Week?  Confessions are available through Wednesday.  Judas is a prominent figure in the readings this week.  Sure he sinned and we do, too.  However, his fatal flaw was not trusting in the love and mercy of Jesus.  May we always know our Vine.  

If you picked up palms and would like an easy-to-follow video to fold your palm into a cross click here. My kids have used this same video for years.  In these last few days of Lent, try "praying with pretzels" using these ideas and recipe from Catholic Icing website.  Also, my family used this recipe (without the cheese) and it worked very well!  Easy No-Yeast Pretzel Recipe

Since we began sheltering in home, my teenage sons have appreciated Daily Mass with Bishop Barron.  Tomorrow, we plan to watch Stations of the Cross with Bishop Barron.  Spanish subtitles are available.  One idea is to break down this hour-long video into shorter segments and watch it with your older kids throughout the days of Holy Week.

For easy access to the daily readings during Holy Week click here.  Readings are available in Spanish and have video reflections, too.  I also like how the calendar shows the liturgical color for the day to aid understanding for all of us.

Looking for a retreat?  The Archdiocese answers beautifully with a Virtual Holy Week Retreat.  Watch live each morning and evening; or, like me, when you can get a good internet connection. To start, Archbishop Hebda uses art and insight to explore Holy Week liturgies.  Love it!  May our children's eyes observe the symbolism with great faith.  Most importantly, he starts and ends his talk in Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.  Ah, rest in the Lord!

Post your comments!  What are you doing at home that has helped you live your faith?  What are your Holy Week traditions?  
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