Holy Week 1-2-3

Families, Look for a new post each day to help guide you through Holy Week 2020. 

First - Blessed palms will be available at church on Saturday April 4 from 4:00 to 6:00 pm and Sunday April 5 from 10:00 am to Noon.  Weather permitting, tables will be outside.  Please respect social distancing guidelines. 

Second - Our YouTube channel has a new video that hopefully speaks to both your heart and your sense of humor.  May your church support you during this most unique Holy Week.  Be sure to subscribe to both our YouTube channel and this blog to stay current and optimize security. 
Blessed Sacrament Faith Formation YouTube Channel

Third - Be intentional about Holy Week with your family.  Ideas include: 

* Online Mass  Online Mass with Father Benny
* Reconciliation   Confessions at Blessed Sacrament
* A plan of family activities for Spy Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter.  Each blog post in the coming days will have new ideas, some from Kendra Tierney's website - Catholic All Year   Be sure to write comments and share your own ideas from home. 

A final thought.  Now is a great time to write a note of thanks to Father Benny for the gift of his priesthood.  Mail it so that he receives it by Holy Thursday.  Thank you, Father, for saying "yes" to your vocation!
Connie HillComment