Get involved in your parish community!
At Blessed Sacrament, we live out our Love of God in our worship and Love of Neighbor in our faith-based activities. Visitors commonly speak of our welcoming atmosphere and devout liturgies from which we pour our Christian joy into parish ministries, social outreach, and community events. Read and express interest below.
NEW! Get involved from home by reading our BLOG and subscribing to FLOCKNOTE
NEW! Get involved in the Universal Church by following the Synod, reading the Pastoral Letter, and joining the movement!
Parish Ministries
An active parishioner is a joyful parishioner! Connect the dots between Sundays and dig deeper into your church experience. Read more HERE about Parish Ministries.
Service Groups
Men's Club
Women's Club
Knights of Columbus
Marthas (Funeral Servers)
Homebound Ministry
Pastoral Ministry
Pray for the Pastor
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Cantors/Choir Members
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Catechesis & Evangelization
E Team
C Team (Communications Committee)
Faith Formation Catechist
Assistant Catechist
Youth Ministry
Divine Mercy Cenacle

Social Outreach
Members of Blessed Sacrament participate in the community in both prayer and service. Read more HERE about Social Outreach.
Philomena House
Options for Women
Venezuelan Mission
Merrick Community Center
CFIC Children’s Mission
Operations 23:0
Community Events
The Light of Christ shines through our spiritual and social activities.Read more HERE about Community Events.
Some Scheduled Events:
Donut Sunday (9:30 to 10:45 am)
55 Club Luncheon (third Tuesday at Noon)
Rummage Sale - spring
Eucharistic Procession Corpus Christi each year
Fun Fest - each year in August
Mardi Gras - just before Lent
Lenten Stations and Soup Suppers
Collection Drives (ongoing)