Your spiritual home in East St. Paul.
We invite you to celebrate the Eucharist with us and to be an active member at Blessed Sacrament. We worship Christ through Mass, Adoration, Eucharistic processions, and other liturgies. In gratitude, we generously respond to God’s great blessings by offering our time, talent, and treasure to promote the mission of the Catholic Church.
Wondering how to begin? Come to Mass! Try our a liturgical ministry such as hospitality, choir, or altar serving. Join our Faith Formation classes on Sunday mornings. Participate in Pastoral Ministry by visiting parishioners who are sick, hospitalized, elderly, or homebound. Spend quiet time with Jesus in our Adoration Chapel. Other Parish Life programs and events are announced in our weekly parish bulletin and listed on our website.
Our parish community is diverse, family-friendly, and Christ-centered. We strive to know, love, and serve Jesus as His disciples. Visit and join our parish, where you are known by name.
Not a parish member yet?
We’d love to have you! Use the form below to express interest.
Pray for us!
Children honor Our Lady of Guadalupe and seek her intercession at an annual procession in December.
Parishioners gather for music and lunch at the 55 Club meeting, which is held the third Tuesday of the month at Noon.
“This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Parish Staff
Meet our Councils
Blessed Sacrament introduces our Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Council, and Trustees. We thank them for their service.
Parish Pastoral Council: Dave Tillges (chair), Bonnie Richardson, Michele Ayala, Mark Coleman, and Sue Kronschnable.
The mission of the Parish Council is to act as an advisory body to the Pastor, assisting him with specific tasks in establishing his goals for the parish, and supporting him in his role as shepherd. The Pastor and chairperson assemble the agenda items for this Parish Pastoral Council meeting taking into account the input from other council members as they gather pertinent information from parishioners. If you have something to share for the agenda that is being prepared, or at anytime, please send us an email at
Finance Council: Mike Conners (chair), Jessica Schwartz, Gregg Osaben, Dan Huneke, and Missy Tarnowski
Trustees: Don Winger and Kathy Ebert