Between Wednesdays

Thank you families and catechists for participating in our very first e-Faith Formation classes.
O Holy Night!

A brief recap of last night: 
PreK - Grade 3 discussed the life of Jesus during that very first Holy Week.  Children were left pondering where we see dying as giving birth to new life. Let the outdoors also be a place to wonder.

Grades 4 - 8 discussed God's covenant with His people as told through the prophets (like Samuel), through the Messiah king, and at Mass.  Why might we say that Jesus taught about an upside-down kingdom?

High-schoolers discussed and reflected on suffering and sacrifice. New terms were reparation and expiation. They were challenged to makes acts of faith, hope, and love through prayer during the new trials facing all of us.

Until our next class, can you make time for Stations of the Cross as a family? Friday? 

Here is the two-page Stations of the Cross booklet for kids (as mentioned at 4/1/2020 class)
Stations of the Cross - color a mini booklet

Or, here is an online, multi-media Stations of the Cross.
Stations of the Cross - with music and images

A suggestion is to recite the following after announcing each station:
Leader:  We adore you O Christ and we praise you. 
All:  Because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world. 

Join us for Online Hospitality on Sunday April 5, 11:00 to 11:30 am using Zoom

Grab your coffee and donut and login to Zoom.  Use the same Meeting ID: 956 172 7453

Did you know we have content on YouTube?  

NEW! Mass with Father Benny on our church YouTube channel. Faith Formation content on our YouTube channel, for example second graders can access three short videos of the "church search."  Be sure to subscribe for security and privacy.

Church of Blessed Sacrament YouTube Channel - BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE

Blessed Sacrament Faith Formation YouTube Channel - BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE

And finally ... 

Watch for new postings and emails on Monday to get ready for e-Faith Formation on April 8th.
See you then!
Connie HillComment