Getting Ready for April e-Classes

Families, let's get ready for e-Faith Formation on Wednesday, April 1.  

PreK - Grade 3, login at 6:30 pm.  We will begin with the City of Jerusalem and finish with discussion about First Holy Communion.  Three document were sent in an e-mail to be used for City of Jerusalem at home.  Keep in mind, as we fast from Jesus in the sacraments during our sheltering at home, we all are preparing for a "First" communion, of sorts.  2nd graders, have your home-study books handy.  

Grades 4-8, login at 7:15 pm.  Get prepared by watching two videos.  Remember we are blending grades and lessons for fantastic group learning!   

7-minute whiteboard video about 1 Samuel from  Bible Project  
8-minute whiteboard video about Matthew 1-13 from Bible project 

High School, login at 8:00 pm.   Ray and Mary will lead us in a great discussion!   Come prepared by studying the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and completing your Saint Report. 
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