e-Community and the Domestic Church

Dear Friends and Families,

Life is a "both/and" experience.  You know, like Jesus is both fully human and fully divine; or, He teaches us about both justice and mercy; He is present in both Word and the Eucharist; and, the Eucharist is both Source and Summit (CCC 1333). 

Today, I feel strong urges to both isolate my family in physical security and reach out to everyone I love using technology!  Similarly, e-faith formation is a time to build up our "Domestic Churches" while creating an online community of education and support.  We "shelter in home" with a new, simple formula:  prayer + study + works + service.  Hopefully, the church helps us meet our needs.  We resolve, let's be alone together. 

I love what Father Benny shares with us.   A letter from Father Benny

e-Faith Formation is scheduled for every Wednesday night in April using Zoom as our classroom.  THANK YOU to our lead catechists for your extra time in preparing for our new format.  We will follow these timelines strictly so that we use just one Zoom classroom, which is easier for families and free for our church. Follow the same Zoom login in procedures for all meetings (see previous blog post or reminder e-mails).

6:30 to 7:10 pm   PreK - Grade 3
7:15 to 7:55 pm   Grades 4 - 8
8:00 to 8:40 pm   High School / Confirmation. 

Hope to "see" you at Stations of the Cross, Friday March 27 at 3 pm. 
Connie HillComment