Log In and Let Us Pray!

Here is our schedule for the coming days.  Use the Zoom login details from Monday’s blog.  Also, 20 minutes before we are scheduled to begin, I will send out a reminder e-mail with a link.  Remember that each meeting lasts no more than 40 minutes.  Come for all or part! 

Wednesday March 25:   Looking forward to our e-class!  Log in at 6:30 pm using your Zoom invitation.  I pray that our time together will be uplifting and faith-filled.  Have your Bible handy and be ready to share where you found the message “Be Not Afraid” in scripture.

Thursday March 26:  Log in at Noon for a group Rosary.  Kids are encouraged to help by taking turns leading one decade of the Luminous Mysteries. 

Friday March 27:  Log in at 3:00 pm for Stations of the Cross.  We will blend together these two versions: 
Stations of the Cross for Children - Loyola Press
Scriptural Stations of the Cross

Sunday March 29:  Log in at 11:00 am following your own at-home viewing of Mass on-line.  Grab your coffee and donut and share in hospitality!

Of course, e-Faith Formation is new for all of us.  Feel free to share your comments!

And ... join Pope Francis spiritually:

This Wednesday, March 25, Pope Francis is inviting Catholics worldwide to join him in praying the Our Father in continued intercession for aid and consolation during the coronavirus outbreak.

Connie HillComment