To Do or Not To Do

With so many resources at our fingertips, I want to use them all so that our kids are exposed to the beauty of our faith.  Prayers, family activities, liturgies, devotions, talks, and retreats name a few.  As Lent comes to a close, I tell myself that I can finish strong. The caution, however, is to not block the work of the Holy Spirit.

A spiritual highlight in my home today was reading a short piece of scripture and sharing how God spoke to each of us personally in that passage.  A modified Lectio Divina.  Our gathering lasted about ten minutes before everyone scattered.  But, I had a chance to hear God's voice speaking to my kids as well as their responses.  Ahh.

How are we getting ready for Holy Week and Easter? St. Benedict gives us good advice: pray and work (ore et labora) Shopping lists include vinegar, flour, yeast, Seder supper foods, stamps, eggs, dye.  In today's Gospel, just days before Passover, Martha served Jesus dinner, Lazarus reclined with Him, and Mary anointed His feet with oil.  Those siblings knew just what to do and not do, too :)

I share with you this beautiful Holy Week Guide from the Archdiocese, reflecting on the family as the Domestic Church. 

How are you celebrating Holy Week at home?
Connie Hill1 Comment