Saints in August are Mother and Son

This month you will find prayer cards on the E-Team table for four saints whose feast day we celebrate in August. Last month we celebrated Mary’s parents, the grandparents of Jesus. This month we have a mother and her son to honor, Saint Monica (Patron Saint of Mothers) and Saint Augustine, her challenging son.

St. Augustine declared that his mother’s resilience and dedication to prayer is what led him to become the man of God he was meant to be, one of the most brilliant philosophers and theologians.

Pope Benedict XVI wrote that “St Monica and St Augustine invite us to turn confidently to Mary, Seat of Wisdom. Let us entrust Christian parents to her so that, like Monica, they may accompany their children’s progress with their own example and prayers. Let us commend youth to the Virgin Mother of God so that, like Augustine, they may always strive for the fullness of Truth and Love which is Christ:  he alone can satisfy the deepest desires of the human heart.”

You will find their prayer cards along with those of Saint Benedict and Saint Maximillian on the E-team table in the Gathering Space this month.

Connie HillComment