Inspired by Martha

At Mass today Father reminded us that our mission in our daily lives is to share with others the love that Jesus shares with us each day. Yesterday I was blessed to see the sharing of His love in a touching way here in our Gathering Space and Robertson Room. The loved ones of a parishioner gathered to celebrate her 90+ years of life, support one another, and to say goodbye for now.

Nine of our parishioners, who are part of our Marthas funeral ministry, served lunch to the family and their guests. The Marthas’ loving sacrifice made a difficult day easier. They emulated Saint Martha, who we know got the work done (John 12:2). They imitated Jesus, who is the Suffering Servant and Triumphant Messiah (Isaiah 53, 65).

We are blessed to have a ministry of selfless, welcoming, seniors who represent our parish well and share Jesus’s love with others. May God bless them abundantly for their compassion and service.

Prayerfully consider joining this ministry as a way for you to share Jesus’s love for you with others. The Lord can not be outdone in generosity!

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