Send us a picture of your creation and join "Parent Connect"

Happy May!

Appreciate Mom, honor Our Mother, and plant a Mary Garden! Read about how to plant a Mary Garden with "beauty and prayer." Did you know impatiens are called "Our Lady's Earrings" because of their curving stem? Marigolds remind us of the Queenship of Mary. Be sure to email me a picture of your Mary Garden and we'll add it to our Parish Photo Album on our church website.

We are all called to create. Let art be your springboard to prayer! Honor Our Mother Mary with your painting, crafting, gardening, and more. You keep the art and send us a picture. Visit our church website, "Art Collection 2020" to see what kids and adults have created so far. Thank you to all for sharing!

Families, how are you doing? Ups and downs? Absolutely. You are not alone. Is this a time of conversion? You bet. Parents, like the early apostles in the book of Acts, we are on a mission. We do not want to go back to normal. Let us go back to better.

Now is a great time to unify in prayer and purpose. Join others for Parent Connect, an online discussion with fellow adults in your church community. Be affirmed in your mission as a family of faith and take away practical ideas to support you on your mission. Mark your calendars for a Zoom call on Wednesday May 13 at 8:00 pm. Send me an email to register. See you soon!

Connie HillComment