Art, Faith, and Mother's Day

Did you know that St. Pope John Paul II was an artist? Yes! A poet, a playwright, and an actor himself. In 1999, he wrote His Letter to Artists to speak about art as contributing to the common good. Society needs artists just like scientists, teachers, clergy, and government leaders. In his letter, St. John Paul II wrote about the connection of the “religious experience and artistic beauty.” The words true, honorable, just, pure, and lovely (Philippians 4:8) are only such in the context of God.

How can we create art at home? One idea is to paint rocks with sacred images, add a layer of decoupage, and place them along walking paths in the community. Art is the new evangelization! We can also use word, music, flour, fabric, dirt, or paint to make a gift for mom. Please send us a picture of your at-home creations and we will add it to our website’s “Art Collection 2020.”

Wishing you a creative, artistic, and prayerful Mother’s Day. Mother Mary, pray for us.

Connie HillComment