Online Learning, Resources, and Support

March 20, 2020

Good morning Families and Friends!

Today, we kick-off our online Faith Formation program with a blog and a you tube channel.  Both are titled, "Blessed Sacrament Faith Formation."  We also may use Zoom to give some classes the opportunity to meet face to face, virtually.  Let's keep the learning going!

No doubt you have many resources being suggested to you.  Today I will highlight as a high-quality and expansive tool for studying the faith.  The home page of our church website has directions for how to get started.  FORMED Live is brand new; just yesterday they uploaded new content about the Word of God during these times of uncertainty and global crisis. 

Foremost, your church should be your place of support. The Archdiocese invites us all to join in reciting the beautiful prayer, "Litany in Time of Need," at 11:05 am each day.  Personally, I invite you to participate in our online community as a way to cultivate spiritual and mental wellness.  We are made for relationship, with God and with one another. 

May we all have faith that surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:7).
Light for one step.
Stay well and pray well!

Connie HillComment