The "Front Door" of Faith Formation

A church’s website can be thought of as its “front door.” Increasingly, technology is how we “enter” a church, whether we are new to the community or long-standing members. We read about current worship and parish programs and imagine being there. Ultimately, the website should extend an invitation to faithfully follow Jesus and connect with others who are doing the same.

The industry recommends that churches redesign their websites every five years. We did just that at Blessed Sacrament and now we hope to “pour new wine into fresh wineskins” (MT 9:17).  The website is a tool not only to inform but to evangelize! Jesus’ Real Presence in the Eucharist is the Good News for all people. Let us learn, love, and live our faith … together.

To that end, we open registration for 2020-2021 Faith Formation.  You will see both old programs and new plans.  We hope for a full schedule of in-person classes; and at the same time, we are prepared to function remotely. First, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd nurtures the child’s relationship with God while learning about Jesus in the Eucharist and in Mass. Second, Family Formation is for all ages of children AND their parents.  This new format trains every parent as a catechist and works well in quarantine.  Third, Confirmation prep and Youth Ministry give older students the opportunity to deepen their faith and their commitment to the church. 

Semi-monthly meetings are offered through multiple sessions to accommodate schedules and COVID protocol.  Inquire today about Faith Formation 2020-21. Attend the open house on Wednesday July 15, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. Thank you for opening the “front door” to Blessed Sacrament.  Come, let us worship!

Connie HillComment