"Spring" Cleaning

Each day the weather leaves us wondering if “spring has sprung.” Nonetheless, it is the season of spring cleaning. Perhaps you have a few items in a closet or drawer that can be donated to the upcoming Rummage Sale.  A fundraising sale, after a few years without one, may inspire you as it did me.

On Palm Sunday I noticed that I have palms from several past Easter seasons gathering dust.  “What should be done with blessed palms?” I asked.  I learned they can be buried or burned.  I found a broken and unfixable rosary in a drawer.   I am not sure if it was blessed or not.  I read that blessed objects should be treated with reverence and that I may discard them by incineration, burial, or pious disposal.  Are there hard-and-fast rules for “pious disposal?” Hmm. What should I do?

The Evangelization Committee (E-Team) wants to help our parishioners with disposing of old religious articles properly.  During the month of May, a collection box will be located on the lower shelf of the E-Team Table in the Gathering Space. Feel free to drop off religious items and they will be buried, burned, or disposed of piously.

Happy spring cleaning!

Connie HillComment