Saint Anne and Grandparenting

One E Team members reflects on Saint Anne and being a grandmother.

Have you thought of St. Anne, as your spiritual grandmother? I hadn't until learning more through a novena that started July 17, her feast day. It is a novena that can be said any time, and can be found at

St. Anne is the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the grandmother of Jesus. She is a very powerful intercessor and is known to intercede for people for almost any request, and especially for healing.

We can ask for her intercession for ourselves, our parents, children or grandchildren to grow in holiness and patience. We can ask her to pray for whatever it is that's on our hearts. She will bring our intentions to Jesus! When we pray the St. Anne Novena, we are asking for help from our Blessed Mother's Mother. How powerful!

Consider praying this novena to ask St. Anne to help you to be open to God’s will the way she was; able to wait with patience, perseverance in faith and hope, and with absolute trust in the Lord’s plan.

Connie HillComment