October 15: Saint Teresa and Women's Club

Our Women’s Club met last week to kick-off the 2022 - 2023 year.  Plans for social events and parish involvement were discussed.  A committee of our Women’s Club members has been working together all summer to plan a retreat that will be held in our Robertson Room on Saturday, October 15th.  The website and bulletin contain the details of this event and instructions for registering.

Fittingly, Women’s Club chose St. Teresa of Avila as their inspiration.  Her feast day is celebrated on October 15, which is the day of the retreat. Consider praying a Novena to Saint Teresa, beginning October 6.  Her prayer card will be available for pick up on the E-Team table during the month of October, along with three other Saints whose feast day is celebrated during OctoberThey are St. Francis of Assisi (the patron of the annual Blessing of Pets on October 2) along with St. Luke the Apostle, and St. Jude, the patron of lost causes. 

Let these Saints inspire all of us in our daily lives. As Saint Teresa says, “Every part of the journey is of importance to the whole.”

Connie HillComment