Give Up and Take Up

 Blessed Sacrament parishioners bring donations to two bins in our Gathering Space when they attend Mass, sharing with the less fortunate in our community.  Have you ever wondered how those donations get to folks in need?  How do those canned goods or boxes of cereal get to the hungry?  Or, who goes from church to church to pick up clothing and other items donated for our veterans?

In recent weeks I have been blessed to meet three of these dedicated volunteers, while spending some time at the Welcome Desk on a weekday.  Like a fearless postal worker, “Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail shall keep them from their appointed rounds” on their day for picking up donations.  

Each week one of our two volunteers loads a cart or two with donated food items, pushes it out to his car, fills the trunk or back seat, and delivers our contributions to help feed the hungry.  On several occasions I was able to play a very small part in this ministry by simply holding the door.  Thank you both!

From the other bin, a dedicated Vet, representing Every Third Saturday picks up items monthly that have been donated by parishioners, for veterans in need. Items such as warm jackets, t-shirts, socks, and other clothing items have been shared during these cold months, along with personal hygiene items that are made available in their “free store”.  The day I was blessed to help this volunteer, he made two trips with carts overflowing with donations for those in need.  As he returned the empty cart and was about to leave, he called back “Thank You!”  No, no, I thought, the thanks go to you = a dedicated volunteer who has just finished one of many stops.

With Lent approaching. let us consider that instead of just giving something up for Lent, we can also do something extra! We can  help feed the hungry and clothe those in need.  As we fill the bins with our donations, please remember to say a prayer of thanks for these volunteers.  God bless them.

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